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Current-year Tax Information

Please Bookmark this page for the latest Tax Season information!

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1.  Sign and return your engagement letter AND your retainer as soon as possible.

2.  Provide your tax documents as early as possible - in accordance with our deadlines.

3.  Verify your contact information, especially your address and email address if it has changed - Update your


4.  Alert us to any changes in your banking information - Update your organizers!

5.  Avoid having your charitable donations disallowed - it is mandatory to provide us with copies of substantiation letters

       from the qualifying charities for single contributions of $250 or greater.

6.  Submit your documents using our secure portal SMARTVAULT, fax, USPS or our dropbox outside our door.


Many new entrepreneurs go into business thinking that success is as simple as making more money than you spend. While there is certainly truth to that belief, there are many moving parts behind the scenes that a business owner must manage. Controlling cash flow, paying taxes, and balancing payroll are just a few accounting tasks that first-time business owners might fail to consider. Unless you have a background in accounting yourself, it may seem impossible to complete these tasks in addition to your other responsibilities. That is why you should learn more about why Birkholz & Company’s professional accounting services are necessary for the success of your small business.


Set Yourself Up for Success

Putting a priority on your financial health early on will give you a greater chance for long-term success. You might establish your business to reap the rewards of startup deductions and tax advantages. You can lay a strong foundation by working closely with an accountant from the outset.


Expenses and tax obligations begin before you even open for business, and it is important to organize this transaction information immediately to save yourself a headache later. You can accomplish this by consulting or hiring an accountant as soon as your budget allows.


Guarantee Error-Free Accounting

If you do not work alongside an accountant, critical issues may arise over the course of business. One number out of place can ruin an employee's paycheck or see you saddled with far more inventory than you know what to do with.


A keen-eyed accountant can ensure that your books are error-free and fully compliant when tax season rolls around. You can even source payroll responsibilities to a payroll service provider like Paychex to free up your own time and mitigate the risk of a disastrous mistake. The professionals at Birkholz & Company can help ensure your payroll responsibilities are met.


Build New Financial Strategies

The individual in charge of your bookkeeping has the most intimate insight into your company's all-important cash flow situation. Money is constantly flowing in and out of your business, but proper management will ensure that you always have a positive amount of cash on hand for reinvesting into the growth of your enterprise.


Experienced accountants are also financial experts that can leverage their unique perspective of your finances to help develop new strategies. Your accountant might recognize patterns in your transaction history that can forecast opportune chances to kick off a new growth initiative.


Reap the Benefits of Outsourcing

While there are certain benefits to hiring an in-house accountant, you might also choose to outsource your bookkeeping to a dedicated accounting agency. We can recommend QuickBooks Guru or Harmoney Bookkeeping Company as our bookkeeping partners for these services. Procuring accounting as a service can save you money on your monthly payroll. You can also downsize your office or repurpose the space you would otherwise use for your accounting department. If you choose to receive electronic accounting statements from your agency of choice, you can also enjoy the benefits that come with going paperless at your office.


Experts explain that the role of accounting in business is to not only benefit you as the manager but also to prove your worth to stakeholders and creditors. Accurate records will make your life easier and help secure loans or investments when you make the decision to expand. It stands to reason, then, that investing in the services of a professional accountant can help streamline your company's road to greater success. This is where your relationship with Birkholz & Company can do just that.


As you can see, professional accounting services can do much more than keep you organized. If you would like to discuss our services, please call 508-875-6052 for more information.


January 13, 2023 – 2022 Tax Packages Information


Your 2022 Tax Season Packages have now been distributed.  We have sent your Tax package via Smart Vault, so you must activate your new SmartVault account in order to receive your documents. If you are a past client you have already done so.


You will receive two emails.  One will contain your retainer invoice and the other important tax season information and links to two (2) documents: 

  1. Engagement Letter

  2. Questionnaire

  3. Your Personalized Tax Organizer is already is your vault. Please navigate to TY22 and open up the Client Organizer Folder.

Please complete all these documents and return them to our office via SmartVault, fax or USPS mail.  For your security, please DO NOT EMAIL these documents


Your engagement letter and retainer must be received prior to our beginning any tax preparation work.

You may also wish to "White List" notify@my.smartvault.comIf your email address has changed since last tax season, you should send an email to with BOTH your new and old email addresses in the body of the email. 

June 10, 2022 - Revised Standard Mileage Rates:

      1) Business                          62.5 cents per mile

      2) Medical and moving          22 cents per mile

      3) Charitable contributions    14 cents per mile (fixed under § 170(i) of the Internal Revenue Code)

June 2022 - Adjust Your Tax Withholding

Now that you've seen last year's tax results and can see where this year is heading, it may be a good time to consider adjustments to your income tax withholding.

If you have too much tax withheld, you will receive a refund when you file your income tax return, but it might make more sense to reduce your withholding and receive more in your paycheck. However, if you have too little tax withheld, you will owe tax when you file your tax return and may owe a penalty.

Two tools - IRS Form W-4 and the Tax Withholding Estimator on - can be used to help figure out the right amount of federal income tax to have withheld from your paycheck. This can be beneficial when tax laws change, your filing status changes, you start a new job, or there are other changes in your personal situation.

You might make a more concerted effort to review your withholding if any of the following situations apply to you:

  • File as a two-income family

  • Hold more than one job at the same time

  • Work for only part of the year

  • Claim credits, such as the child tax credit

  • Itemize deductions

  • Have a high income and a complex return


In some circumstances, you will need to give your employer a new Form W-4 within 10 days (for example, if the number of allowances you are allowed to claim is reduced or your filing status changes from married to single). In other circumstances, you can submit a new Form W-4 whenever you wish. See IRS Publication 505 for more information.

Your employer will withhold tax from your paycheck based on the information you provide on Form W-4 and the IRS withholding tables.

If you have a large amount of non-wage income such as interest, dividends, or capital gains, you might want to increase the tax withheld or claim fewer allowances. In this situation, also consider making estimated tax payments using IRS Form 1040-ES.

You can claim exemption from federal tax withholding on Form W-4 if both of these situations apply:  (1) in the prior tax year, you were entitled to a refund of all federal income tax withheld because you had no tax liability, and  (2) for the current year, you expect a refund of all federal income tax withheld because you anticipate having no tax liability.





August 1, 2020 - We are pleased to announce that Birkholz & Company has transitioned our invoice processing from PayPal to Intuit QuickBooks. Intuit is a trusted partner, and you can rest assured that your payment will be securely transacted using the link in your email. 


For optimal security, we suggest you perform all payment transactions from your home or office computers and do not use public WiFi.  Confirm that the link shown in the internet address bar has a lock icon on the left and the web address begins with < HTTPS:// >, which indicates your information is encrypted.  This suggestion applies to all online shopping.


Please update your email address or phone number, if needed, by clicking the “Contact Us” button on the Home page.


945 Concord Street, Suite 135

Framingham, MA  01701

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Phone: 508-875-6052
Fax: 508-445-0506

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